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Big News!

Baby & Me

Tuesdays, 9:30-10am

  • For children 0 - 2 years and their caregivers

  • Session lasts approximately 20 minutes

Laura will lead the group and model rhymes and movement while parents/caregivers interact with their babies! We'll also read some simple stories and sing some simple songs so your little ones become familiar with the storytime setting!

Contact Laura at with any questions.




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Story Explorers 

Wednesdays, 10-10:45am

  • For children 3-5 years of age

  • Session lasts approximately 30 minutes

Kids will sit for an interactive story (or two) and then participate in an activity that goes along with the theme of the book! The activities will range from crafts or coloring to group playtime to outside mini-adventures (weather permitting).

Due to the nature of the program, we ask that kids be comfortable in a pre-school like setting, or ready to be a bit more independent from parents even though parents will be joining in on the fun!  

Contact Christina at with any questions. 


There is no registration for Baby & Me or Story Explorers.

We will be continuing the winter session right into spring! We will not be offering regular programming during school vacations weeks - Feb. 24-28 & April 28- May 2
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